Lecture:One-dimensional quantum wires:A pedestrian approach to bosonization

报告人:Prof. Sebastian Eggert

摘要:In these lectures, we will consider systems in which the motion of electrons is confined to one dimension (1D). In these so-called quantum wires electron-electron interaction effects play an important role because the restricted dimensions enhance the scattering between the electrons and completely destroy the quasi-particle picture. New density wave excitations appear that are described by bosonic operators. Here we will develop this bosonic description, following a “pedestrian” approach which does not require any previous knowledge in field theory methods. These notes therefore serve as a detailed introduction into bosonization by carefully deriving the most fundamental formulas.Details can be found in following notes: https://www.physik.uni-kl.de/eggert/eggert-bos.pdf

Full Professor at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany. Group leader of “Theory of condensed matter and many body systems”. Ph.D. in Physics with Prof. Ian Affleck at the University of British Columbia, Canada. 

2024-04-05 13:29 @ LE201 2024年4月9号(星期二)、10号(星期三) 上午11:00-12:00